Adjoint Greeks V – Source Code Transformation

In my last post on automatic differentiation we saw that the operator overloading approach in some situations (quite naturally) comes with a dramatic performance breakdown.

An alternative approach that might do better is called source code transformation. Here the code is differentiated at compile time. While there are quite a few operator overloading tools that work on existing code bases more or less out of the box, this does not seem to be the case for source code transformation tools.

I looked around quite a while but did not really find a mature framework for C++. There is one under development (ADIC 2.0) that should be mentioned. There is also quite an old version of this same project for C (ADIC 1.x).

There is a Fortran framework though called OpenAD/F. Quite interestingly this framework separates the abstract ad engine (“OpenAD”) from language specific parts (“/F”), using a XML representation for the computational core to be differentiated. So in princinple you can implement a front end for C++ replacing the Fortran front end and reuse the algorithms of OpenAD. This is actually what ADIC is doing.

Still I have this faint idea of using the intermediate representation (IR) of the LLVM compiler infrastructure to interface to OpenAD. There are already backends that can translate back IR to C, so the “only” thing left to do would roughly be the transformation of IR to XAIF and back and the implementation of a run time support library. Very roughly. I certainly do not have enough experience in both AD and the IR to really overlook this and also not the time to delve into this. Anyway.

I played around with OpenAD/F some months ago. I solved a toy pde for american option pricing with Fortran code written from scratch. The results were promising in terms of performance. So here is the plan how to benefit from that in a productive setting:

The idea is that a typical core pricing algorithm is actually not too big and can effectively be excavated from the rest of the code.

If this is the case we could reimplement this computational core in Fortran, apply OpenAD/F to differentiate it and use the differentiated code via a plain interface from QuantLib pricing engines to retrieve adjoint greeks.

This post aims to present a minimal example for that procedure to prove the technical feasibility. Later I will try to apply this to the Bermudan Swaption example I mentioned above.

The libraries are organized as the usual QuantLib shared object library and a Fortran shared object library that contains the differentiated code for the numerical cores. The minimal example library is called simplelibad (simple lib ad). An application will then typcially be an usual C++ program linking against QuantLib and the new ad library.

You can find the example code here. It comes with a make file that by default builds a differentiated version of the library functions. You can also run the target plain to build only the original functions without AD, which seems useful for testing the ported code against the original one before doing anything fancy.

Actually only one function is provided in our simplelib wich computes a discount factor from a given continuously compounded zero yield and a day count fraction. The coding looks as follows (sorry, no syntax highlighting)

subroutine discount(zeroyield, dcf, df)
  implicit none
  double precision:: zeroyield, dcf, df
  !$openad INDEPENDENT(zeroyield)
  df = exp(-zeroyield * dcf)
  !$openad DEPENDENT(df)
end subroutine discount

To keep the interface simple no return parameters are present, the result is written to the last input parameter instead.

There are two OpenAD – specific lines starting with !$openad which declare the active variables. The make file invokes a wrapper script openad that is shipped with OpenAD as a simple driver for the actual tools

openad -c -m f simplelib.f90

This produces the differntiated version of the above code. The option -m f sets the mode to forward. The resulting code is then compiled into an object file

gfortran -g -O3 -o -c -fpic

The same is done with some additional runtime support files provided by OpenAD

gfortran -g -O3 -o w2f__types.o -c w2f__types.f90 -fpic
gfortran -g -O3 -o OAD_active.o -c OAD_active.f90 -fpic

Finally we need a driver that acts as the interface to QuantLib later on

subroutine discount_ad(zeroyield, dcf, df, ddf)
  use OAD_active
  implicit none
  external discount
  double precision:: zeroyield, dcf, df, ddf
  type(active):: zeroyield_ad, res
  zeroyield_ad%v = zeroyield
  zeroyield_ad%d = 1.0
  call discount(zeroyield_ad, dcf, res)
  df = res%v
  ddf = res%d
end subroutine discount_ad

This returns the derivative together with the original result of the computation and does nothing more than invoking the differentiated code. We compile the driver as well

gfortran -g -O3 -o driver_simplelib.o -c driver_simplelib.f90 -fpic

and then everything is linked into a shared object library simplelibad

gfortran -shared -g -O3 -o w2f__types.o OAD_active.o driver_simplelib.o

In the minimal example here we actually do not use any QuantLib classes, but directly talk to the ad library from our example application, like this

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

extern "C" void discount_ad_(double *zeroyield, double *dcf, double *df,
                             double *ddf);

int main() {

    double zeroyield = 0.02;
    double dcf = 10.0;
    double df, ddf;

    discount_ad_(&zeroyield, &dcf, &df, &ddf);

    std::cout << "result1 = " << df
              << " should be: " << std::exp(-zeroyield * dcf) << std::endl;

    std::cout << "result2 = " << ddf
              << " should be: " << -dcf * std::exp(-zeroyield * dcf)
              << std::endl;

The application can be compiled as any other C++ code, it just needs to be linked against simplelibad. Running the code yields the expected output

result1 = 0.818731 should be: 0.818731
result2 = -8.18731 should be: -8.18731

Now of course the real work starts … hope to be back with a meaningful example soon.

Adjoint Greeks V – Source Code Transformation

3 thoughts on “Adjoint Greeks V – Source Code Transformation

    1. Peter Caspers says:

      Hi Jonathan,

      thanks for the link. I do not know dco yet, but it seems that they try to combine OO and SCT as well to optimize for speed ? It would be interesting to see how much of the SCT can be done automatically with existing C++ code, because my approach here would require a reimplementation of the computational core in Fortran (but at least no adjoint-code writing by hand).

      Best regards


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